anxiety- let’s discuss

Constant thoughts of worry plague our minds leading to a common problem many of us suffer with today.....ANXIETY 😣

🤯While we are taking care of our bodies with good food and exercise, what are we doing about our minds and the way we think and feel?

🥺Our minds wander almost 50% of the time, and many of these thoughts aren’t positive and can often lead to us feeling stressed and anxious.  How we think and feel affects our overall health.

☀️Taking care of our minds and learning to have some control over our thoughts can have a positive impact on the way our bodies respond to stress. 

🦋It’s a hard task I know.  Anxiety is something I struggle just doesn’t work when someone says “calm down, don’t think about it, or don’t stress about it.

Some activities that nurture our minds and help to stop mind wandering are:

🌸meditation and prayer

🌻practicing gratitude

🌺exercising (going for a walk, run, yoga, tai-chi)

🍃spending time in nature

🌼spending time with friends


What other activities help you?💕


just start


do more of what brings some calm to your life