How not to find happiness

🤔. How not to find happiness. đź¤”

We all might have a different definition of what being happy means, so there is no one way to achieve it.  Research suggests however, there is a “wrong” way to search for it.  Apparently, not enjoying life in the moment is a sure way to sacrifice your happiness. 

Not focusing on life’s present joy’s is bound to make us more miserable.

Here’s why...

  1. If we continuously fail to acknowledge contentment in any given moment, we will never be satisfied. When we get what we want, we immediately start to chase something else.

  2. The more importance you place on future events and circumstances to make you happy, the more likely you are to be disappointed.

  3. Humans adapt to a baseline of happiness regardless of life events. We often overestimate the effect that a major life event will have on our long-term happiness. But research shows that after the event happens, and the euphoria wears off, we are likely to revert to the level of happiness we had before.

🌸. So, in your search for happiness it’s always important to reflect on reasons to be happy right now and tell ourselves that happiness isn’t somewhere off in the distance waiting on us to find it.


Source: “How to be happy, is there a secret to finding true happiness”.



Not trying to be perfect, just trying to be better đź’•


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